Monday, August 5, 2013

'It will be beautiful again': Breezy Point couple returns home, and recovers through rebuilding

John Makely / NBC News

Christine and George Donley, both 63, are finally moving home after nine months of being displaced by Hurricane Sandy. All of their possesions that they could save are now piled up in one room on the second floor as workers finish repairing their home.

By Miranda Leitsinger, Staff Writer, NBC News

BREEZY POINT, N.Y. -- Half of their neighbors are gone, piles of sand occupy lots where homes once stood, and they?re living out of one room of the two-story house they?ve owned for 10 years. This is one couple?s life nine months after Hurricane Sandy.

Christine and George Donley, both 63, desperately wanted to get home after Sandy tore through their quiet corner of New York City last Oct. 29. But now that they?ve finally returned, being among familiar things offers just some?comfort.

?Sixty-three years old sleeping on a mattress on the floor is tough,? Christine said as she presented the single habitable room of their Breezy Point home. ?He sleeps on the couch, and this is where we live now.

?Everyone says, ?Oh, isn?t it great? You?re back in your house.? I say no, because, look how I'm living. This isn?t living.?

?Oh, it?s pretty close to it,? countered George. Christine admitted that he was the more optimistic of the two of them.

They have a mini fridge, a TV and a shower that doesn?t stream water at full capacity. Their former bedroom, at the other end of the house and facing the Atlantic Ocean, is what George now calls a storage room: it?s filled with items salvaged from the first floor ? a comforter, clothes, little mementos from life before.

Near the window, overlooking the sea, is a white chair with a foot rest.

?This used to be my little corner to sit and read. That was my reading corner and I'd look out onto the ocean, and life was peaceful,? said Christine, a retired school teacher. ?This is, this was, our beautiful bedroom.?

George gently told her: ?It will be beautiful again.?

Nearly 74,000 homes and apartments in New York and New Jersey, where Sandy made landfall, sustained damage, according to FEMA. Some 450 homes in New York were destroyed by the storm, while approximately 46,000 in New Jersey were destroyed or sustained major damage, the agency said.

The Donleys returned home July 20 after refuging in three different locations: the homes of two relatives (including one in the early days that housed 11 adults, two kids and a baby) and a rental apartment in Brooklyn.

Apart from dealing with the inconvenience of transient existence, the Donleys have spent untold hours wrestling with their insurance company over coverage, forcing them to take money out of their retirement savings for home. (They?re still challenging the firm?s decision not to pay $12,000 for foundation damage.)

They?ve watched their two daughters struggle, too, to get back to their damaged homes, helping them where they could with money, repairs and babysitting.

?It?s a loss of a year of your life, that?s what it?s like,? said George, a CPA who is mostly retired. ?It?s the loss of being near your friends and neighbors, and it?s because they?re suffering from the same loss that you don?t have contact with them.?

More than 75 percent of the homes in close-knit Breezy Point were damaged in the storm ? including nearly 130 that burned down in a fire triggered by Sandy?s surging waters (it was the largest blaze in New York City?s modern history).

In front of the Donley?s house is an empty lot, and another large one nearby is vacant.

?Four houses there,? George said, gesturing across the street. ?They floated up like an entire team, came up, and crashed into some of the houses here. So it was one, two, three, four.?

George said that observing the rebuilding of their house has given them a lift ? new appliances are waiting to be installed and they?ve ordered furniture just like their former pieces to make the downstairs feel homey. They?ve also figured out how to carve out a new room for the grandkids ? one, a grandson, who was born a little more than a week ago.

But the Donleys are still awaiting final word ? like many others across the city and in New Jersey ? from the federal government about new building requirements for homes situated in regional flood zones.

New, preliminary federal flood maps for the region mandate that people living in vulnerable areas like the Donleys will have to elevate their homes a certain number of feet ? about four in their case ? or face steep increases in their insurance. Some homeowners will have to get new kinds of foundations, too, among other adjustments.

John Makely / NBC News

Christine and George Donley, both 63, are finally moving home after nine months of being displaced by Hurricane Sandy.

The requirements could go into effect for all homeowners in the Breezy area, though some whose homes were significantly damaged or demolished will have to do the work sooner.

?We were living in the apartment and we?re saying, well, maybe we won?t go back in until we find out how high we have to go,? Christine said. Ultimately, ?we don?t have two to three years for them to decide how high we have to go. We can?t afford to pay the rent and pay a mortgage while they?re deciding.?

Elevating is an expense that can range from tens of thousands of dollars to more than $100,000 depending on the type of residence and foundation.

Returning to the Breezy community has made dealing with all of the uncertainty bearable.

?We?re able to see and spend time with our friends and neighbors who are here and we?re sharing (our) struggling stories with them,? he said. ?It?s good to see them.?

A neighbor and good friend, Catherine Palummeri, had tidied up the Donley home and put up a big sign reading, ?welcome home,? to greet the couple upon their return. ?I couldn't wait for them to come back,? she said.

?You need people, that?s it ? let?s get back to normal,? said Palummeri, who moved back in late March. ?The worst part was having no neighbors ? you had no interaction.?

Also giving the Donleys a boost: family time on the beach.

?The water has been beautiful. The beach has been great,? George said.

As she sat in a rocking chair on her new deck, where a city building department flyer was posted listing their home?s condition and new insulation clung to the outside walls, Christine said they would make it through the storm ? one that she said she would not ?honor? by calling it by its given name.

?We will get through this,? she said. ?I am stronger than the storm. I am. It took me a long time to say that, but I said it the other night. I am stronger.?


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Five Reasons Why I Love Animals More Than People | xoJane


Walking my dog, Henny, in my ridiculous cat shoes. (My cats are never far from mind, see.)

I've always loved animals more than I loved humans. I know, lots of people say that (a lot of people I know, anyway, but maybe that's because all the people I know are bleeding-heart lefty animal-loving types). In my case, though, I really mean it (at least most of the time).

I've been a massive animal lover since birth, basically. When I was a kid, we had a cat named Trouble, whom I enjoyed chasing, harassing, and forcing to snuggle with me; she enjoyed routinely scratching my face when she wasn't purring and being a lovebug. She lived to be 16, and soon after she died, we promptly adopted 2 kittens.

Except for my freshman year of college, I've literally never NOT had a cat. Nowadays, I've got 2 kitties (Joon, 14, and Batman, 10-ish) and a dog (Henny, 8-ish), all rescues. They are one of my primary reasons for living -- I love them so much I can hardly deal sometimes.


My cat children, Joon (L) and Batman (R).

My adoration for animals sometimes manifests itself in weird ways, like how I can't drive past road kill without wanting to shriek and throw myself from the vehicle. Oh, and I have to physically look away during those awful Sarah McLachlan commercials -- you know the ones. (I doubt I'm alone there; those ads are traumatic!)

Anyway, here are my five reasons why animals are better than people. Let me know if you agree with my assessments.


They're like living, breathing stuffed animals. How could anyone NOT go instantly mush-gush and start involuntarily emitting squeaky high-pitched noises when confronted with fuzzy critters? (I'm equal opportunity -- my strongest passion is for cats and dogs, but bunnies and gerbils and ferrets and all kinds of other small furry animals are great, too). How could anyone NOT want to take an adoptable fur-face home for their very own? There's nothing I like more than watching terrible TV like "The Bachelorette" with a purring cat sprawled across my chest. Preferably while shoveling frozen yogurt into my maw.


This means they can't yell at you, or fight with you, or belittle you, or try to make you jealous, or insult your intelligence, or catcall at you (heh), or ask you for things you aren't prepared to give, or tell you how to live your life. This also means they (sadly) can't propose marriage, or thank you for dinner, or give you life advice, or ask you to change their cat litter. But who cares. Sitting in silence with an animal is awesome. And they communicate effectively with meows, barks, glances, glares, and odd body language (my personal favorite: elevator butt, when a cat shoves his ass in the air to indicate that he wants you to scratch his back).


They have no ulterior motives. They don't plot to steal your boyfriend, or make insipid comments about your roots starting to go grey, or answer important questions with frustrated sighs. They're all heart and gut. They do what they feel, and they can tell if you're sad. When they love you, it's clear. If they aren't that into you, it's also clear. There are no guessing games with animals, no human-scale subtleties, nuances or shades of grey. Sure, there can be some mixed signals when you first meet 'em -- when they're not sure about you, when you're first starting to build a bond. But once they've learned to trust you, they tend to become wholeheartedly obsessed with you -- and they have zero interest in "playing it cool," feigning indifference, or not calling you back. They have more important things to eat.


Joon and Batman are making demands of me in their little heads (they just can't vocalize them, dammit). Henny the dog is just doing what canines do: hovering. Staring. Relaxing.


Humans like to be needed. I'd even go so far as to say that we NEED to be needed. It makes us feel valuable, like our existence matters, like it would be a concrete loss -- to someone, or something -- if we died. Our animals need us. They rely on us for food, and shelter, and bathroom supplies, and luxuries like toys and treats. (And love, of course!) And because they can't ask for what they need, this kind of dependence feels even weightier -- not only do they need us, but we're expected to KNOW what they need without them asking or telling us. They're like babies, but ... forever! This is a real responsibility, one that obviously shouldn't be taken lightly. Thankfully, for many animal lovers, I don't think it is. Plenty of us actually enjoy feeling responsible for keeping our creatures healthy and happy. They pay us back a zillionfold with cuddles, purrs, and in helping us feel less lonely.


Animals give us the kind of acceptance we should be giving ourselves, but don't. They don't give a whit about our hair, or our outfit, or our adorable new platform shoes, or how bad we stink when we've somehow managed to forget to take a shower for 3 days. (Actually, who knows -- maybe they DO give a whit, but they can't verbalize it, so we'd never know! Doh.) Regardless, our pets' love for us is untainted and unconditional. They accept us whole; they don't mind kissing us when we have morning breath, and they certainly don't mind snuggling up with our sweaty gym clothes or dirty socks from the hamper (they actually kind-of like it -- ew). They're cool with whatever we do, however we look, however we feel. They're just SO INCREDIBLY OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD GLAD that we're there at all.

Did I forget anything?!


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How to Communicate Security Imperatives to the Business : The ...


Imagine, due to significant cost cutting, that vulnerability management has been ignored in your company.

Now, under new leadership, vulnerability management is reassessed and recent reports have highlighted 50,000+ vulnerabilities in the IT environment.

picAs a security expert, you worry that these vulnerabilities could be exploited by an attacker and lead to a major security incident.

It?s time to bring this to the attention of management?before it?s too late.

As critical as risk is, most security experts find it challenging to convey security imperatives to executive management.

Where do you start? What will give you the edge for getting buy-in to invest in security?

Global IT executive Jitender Arora and Dwayne Melancon, Tripwire?s CTO, will demonstrate the pitfalls and offer tips and tricks for communicating security initiatives with executives and non-financial stakeholders.

In this webcast you will:

  • Learn how to start the conversation with the business (aligning to its initiatives v. NGFW)
  • Prioritize your spending based on what?s important to the business
  • Connect security controls with business initiatives (talk about SCM, VM, SIEM, etc.)
  • Continuously measure progress and tie results back to the business objectives



Dozens of previously aired webcasts covering topics like Security Configuration Management, Compliance Automation and Achieving Continuous Monitoring are available for viewing HERE.


Title image courtesy of ShutterStock

Tags: budgets, Communicating, Connecting Security to the Business, Enterprise Risk Management, Enterprise Security, Jitender Arora, Security Controls, Security Metrics, Vulnerability Management, webcast

Categories: Connecting Security to the Business

This post was written by?

Kate Carson has contributed 12 posts to The State of Security.

Contact Kate Carson

Kate loves Tripwire? she gets to play Marketing Coordinator there! Her desire is to bring fun to the workplace, work as a team toward a common goal, and to foster the unique culture at Tripwire. In her spare time she likes to run, spend time with the fam, and dress like a giant pencil. Whatta life!


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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Old Reader goes all the way in emulating Google Reader – it’s closing

Google?s announcement in March that it was to close its Reader service a few months later sent most users of the service scurrying off to find a replacement. Various companies spruced up their existing RSS reader offering while others built a new one from scratch in an effort to sweep up news addicts looking for a new home for their beloved feeds.

While Feedly proved a popular choice for many, Digg?s reader also gained a lot of praise for its clean, simple design, and picked up a lot of former Reader users as a result.

For those hoping for an experience as close to possible to Google?s Reader tool, the aptly named The Old Reader was a no brainer. It looked like Reader and acted like Reader. In fact, it?s turned out to be a bit too much like Reader ? it?s closing down next month.

Well, to be specific, it?s closing its public site. This means that if you switched to it after the news broke that Google?s Reader was shuttering, you?ll no longer be able to use The Old Reader from the middle of August.

?No work-life balance?

Developers Elena Bulygina and Dmitry Krasnoukhov explained the decision in a lengthy piece posted Monday. Essentially, the pair became overwhelmed by the extra amount of work involved in keeping the site going following the sudden influx of new users in the last couple of months. The first sign that all was not well came last week when The Old Reader crashed and remained offline for days.

?In March things became ?nightmare?, but we kept working hard and got things done,? the pair wrote in the post. ?First, we were out of evenings, then out of weekends and holidays, and then The Old Reader was the only thing left besides our jobs. Last week difficulty level was changed to ?hell? in every possible aspect we could imagine, we have been sleep deprived for 10 days and this impacts us way too much.

?The truth is, during last 5 months we have had no work-life balance at all.?

Private site

User registration has been closed and the site will be kept running for a select few, including friends, backers, and those who signed up before March 13, the date Google announced it was shuttering Reader.

If you don?t fall into one of these categories, you have two weeks to export your OPML file (click on your name top right of the The Old Reader interface, then on Settings, then scroll down and look for the export your feeds link), which you can take to Feedly, Digg, or another RSS reader.

Bulygina and Krasnoukhov do offer fans of The Old Reader some hope, explaining in their post that they?re ready to listen to anyone interested in acquiring the site. But if no takeover happens, it?s curtains for most users.

?We?d rather provide a smooth and awesome experience for 10,000 users than a crappy one for 420,000,? the developers wrote, adding, ?Sorry, each and everyone if we failed you. You are an incredible, supportive and helpful community. The best we could possibly hope for.?


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Passengers kicked off 'heavy' London City Airport flights

She said Swiss had ?faced similar situations in the past? due to adverse winds but ?only at London City? airport.

One passenger on board Sunday?s affected flight claimed bags were also removed from the plane, but Swiss denied this. ?We were told the plane was overweight by a tonne,? she said. ?A ground handler said it's happening every day from London City because in bad weather the pilots need a lot of fuel, and can't take off from City with a lot of fuel and a full plane of passengers. So every day passengers and baggage are being offloaded.?

A spokesman for CityJet, which flies from the airport to destinations including Edinburgh, Paris, Milan, Florence, Amsterdam and Dublin, said the problem ? which affects the airline's 15 Fokker 50 aircraft, but not its 23 Avro RJ85s ? occurs on a ?weekly or monthly, but not daily? basis. He added that the airline had taken a number of steps to reduce the weight of its planes ? including installing lighter seating ? and said that when such a situation arises, economy passengers are offloaded in favour of premium ones. A British Airways spokesman said it was ?an extremely rare occurrence that we would have to remove customers from a flight due to operating restrictions at the airport.?

A spokesman for London City Airport said its location meant that an extension to the runway ?would never happen?.

Passengers denied boarding in such instances must be offered a choice of a full refund or an alternative flight. If they choose to take the next available flight, they are entitled to assistance while they wait ? including food, drink and accommodation where necessary. They are also entitled to cash compensation (see below).

The Civil Aviation Authority said: ?Airlines are responsible for operating aircraft within the manufacturer?s stated restrictions. This includes maximum take-off and landing weights, but operators must also consider other variables such as the length of the runway, any obstacles that must be cleared during the initial climb-out phase, wind speed and direction, elevation, and the outside air temperature.?

What if I am "bumped" off my flight?

As last week's Swiss flight demonstrates, weather issues will sometimes force airlines to deny passengers boarding. Furthermore, some airlines ? though not normally the no-frills airlines ? will overbook peak-time flights because their computer models tell them that a certain number of passengers will not show up. But computers sometimes get it wrong. If more passengers turn up than there are seats available, some have to be "bumped off".

If this happens to you, you are entitled to significant compensation under EU rules (which apply to the same countries' airlines and airports as specified above).

The compensation varies between ?125 and ?600 depending on the length of the delay to your final destination and the distance of the flight.

An airline is allowed to negotiate a lower rate with passengers who volunteer to be removed, but in all cases, in addition to compensation, you are entitled to "a refund within seven days of the full price you paid for your ticket" or "a return flight to the departure airport as soon as possible... or re-routing to your final destination as soon as possible or, if you agree, at a later date".

The airline must also pay for reasonable incidental expenses such as meals and hotel accommodation.

See for more information.


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Wisconsin sues Florida company alleging no-call violations

The state is suing a Florida-based company that sells magazine subscription renewals for violating Wisconsin's no-call policy.

The complaint was filed Monday against Publishers Marketing Service and alleges the company has made numerous calls to Wisconsin residents without registering as a telephone solicitor and has called numbers listed on the state's no-call registry, according to a state attorney general news release.

In addition, the lawsuit claims that the Florida company made misrepresentations to sell magazine subscriptions, such as lying to customers about planned subscription price increases to panic them into renewing.

The case has been assigned to Dane County Circuit Court Judge Amy Smith. The state is represented by Assistant Attorney General Lewis W. Beilin.

? 2013, Journal Sentinel Inc. All rights reserved.


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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Wedding Wednesdays: Mini-moon

I realize mini-moons are kind of a made-up thing. But we plan on taking one right after our wedding since we won't be able to go on a full-length honeymoon for several months. I was reading a wedding magazine over the weekend suggesting honeymoon destinations, and their suggestion for a mini-moon was (drumroll please)...Boston!

They said to stay at the?Charles Hotel (a venue we looked at but was booked on our date), take in river views, ride swan boats and indulge in the chocolate bar at the?Langham. I think I could go on a mini-moon this weekend!

I doubt we'll stay in town--something about the thought you could run into someone you know takes away from the glamour-- but I loved the idea. Boston can be so romantic, and I think living here we forget that sometimes.?

We're planning a Boston harbor cruise for later this month as a result of my newfound determination to take advantage of the city's sweet spots. What are some other places we should go?



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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Split Screen: Get Organized

Split Screen: Get Organized
Your life is a mess. Bring order to the chaos with the most powerful organizational tool available: your phone. Load the right apps to handle to-do lists, calendar events, and notes and you can turn a smartphone into the best ...


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Smart Knife Sniffs Out Cancer Cells

[unable to retrieve full-text content]sciencehabit writes "When surgeons can't determine the edges of a tumor, it's a problem. Cut too much, and they risk hurting the patient. Cut too little, and they may leave stray cancer cells behind. Now, researchers have developed a surgical knife that can sniff the smoke made as it cuts tissue, almost instantly detecting whether cells are cancerous or healthy. The 'intelligent knife,' or iKnife could distinguish normal and tumor tissues from different organs, such as breast, liver, and brain, and could even identify the origin of a tumor that was a metastasis, a secondary growth seeded by a primary tumor elsewhere in the body."

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World Chef: Silk Road travels inspire LA's Hinoki & the Bird

By Lisa Baertlein

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The exotic, earthy aroma from smoking sheets of smoldering hinoki wood hovering over exquisite black cod is the first hint that diners at celebrated chef David Myers' newest restaurant are in for a culinary adventure.

Hinoki & the Bird, the Japanophile chef's Silk Road-inspired restaurant, borrows heavily from the travels of Myers and Executive Chef Kuniko Yagi, who left banking a decade ago and worked her way up from the kitchen's lowest rungs to her current, globe-trotting career.

The sleekly casual eatery, located near some of Los Angeles' top talent agencies, is a departure from Sona, Myers' elegant, Michelin one-star restaurant that opened in 2002 - a year before Food & Wine magazine bestowed on him a prestigious "Best New Chef" award.

After Sona closed in 2010, Myers and his executive chef hit the road - eating, tweeting and picking up inspiration throughout Asia.

Their journeys inform dishes such as spicy sambal skate wing, drunken duck breast and hinoki-scented black cod, the head-turning dish referenced earlier.

The telegenic duo, who are familiar to fans of foodie shows such as "Top Chef" and "Iron Chef America," spoke with Reuters about how travel informed their careers and their latest project.

Q: David, what was the inspiration for Hinoki & the Bird's name?

A: Hinoki is an incredible cypress tree in Japan that has the most wonderful aroma. The bird component was to capture the essence of travel and how important travel is to the creative process. It's about the connection from California to Japan. We chronicle the bird's travel and bring it into the menu.

Q: David, what is your vision for Hinoki & the Bird?

A: I think California is the gateway to Asia. The idea is to showcase the California bounty and the scent of the Silk Road. The flavors are light, vibrant and healthy. You can come in and eat several different things and you're not feeling heavy. You're feeling sharp and you're ready to go the next day. I've only felt that in Asia - where you can eat a lot and drink a lot and feel great. The food of Southeast Asia is nothing but drinking food - it's about going around having beers and going to the next place.

Q: David, which dish on Hinoki & the Bird's menu best illustrates how your travels through Southeast Asia have influenced your food?

A: The sambal skate wing. That's our version of a barbecue skate wing from a hawker's stand in Singapore. That's the classic hawker stand dish.

Q: Kuniko, what inspired you to leave banking and become a chef?

A: I wanted to make sure I could have a job anywhere in the world. I thought, maybe if I can cook really well I can go anywhere in the world and be able to have a job. (In the beginning) I wasn't able to speak English much - but I thought I could mimic what people in the kitchen do.

Q: Kuniko, what advice would you give someone who makes a similar career leap?

A: Be humble about who you want to be. Nothing good happens in a year. I've been doing this for 10 years already. I started late. I was patient, and I had a couple of times where I wondered if I made the right choice.

Drunken Duck Breast

1/2 cup sake kasu (sake lees, a yeast by-product of sake making)

1 cup warm water

2 duck breasts

Salt & black pepper to taste

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.

In a small pot, place sake kasu and warm water and whisk over low heat until broken down to a loose texture. Remove from heat and let cool.

Score duck skin in a cross-hatch pattern and season with salt and pepper on both sides.

Cover the breasts with the sake kasu and cover with plastic wrap. Let it rest in the refrigerator for one hour.

Wash sake kasu off from duck breast and place the duck skin side down in a saut? pan over low heat, being careful not to burn. Render the skin from the breast, discarding the fat as you go.

When the skin has a golden brown color, place the breast in the oven for 7 minutes, skin side up, for medium rare.

(Reporting by Lisa Baertlein; Editing by Steve Orlofsky)


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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ford to kill GT Falcon early

Video will begin in 5 seconds.

Ford to axe FPV, add Mustang

Sam Hall on the blue oval's decision to cut its performance brand but revive XR8 and Mustang.

Ford's iconic GT Falcon will be an early casualty of the blue oval's decision to shut down its local manufacturing operations.

An inside source has confirmed to Drive that?Ford Performance Vehicles?- the company's official performance division - will be killed off next year when the final iteration of the Falcon is launched.

In a bid to ensure fans of fast Fords are still catered for until?the Falcon is phased out in 2016?- and eliminating the costs to produce new unique visual parts of FPV vehicles - it is understood the company?will revive the XR8 badge?utilising the GT's high-performance components, such as its 335kW supercharged V8 engine, Brembo brakes and sports suspension.

Ford Australia spokesman, Neil McDonald, would not confirm any details on FPV's imminent closure when contacted by Drive.


"We are not in a position to comment on FPV and any future product plans at this point," he said.

The decision to close FPV early will no doubt prevent the company from?sending off the Falcon without a revived GT-HO, leaving the latest?430kW HSV GTS as the fastest and most powerful production car built in Australia.

Beyond 2016, Ford will then replace the outgoing Falcon with a global product line-up which includes two variants of?an all-new Mustang coupe currently under development. The entry-level pony car will be powered by a twin-turbo V6, priced from about $40,000, while the flagship will be a V8 coupe priced from about $60,000. Our source also indicated the next-generation Mustang will not be built with supercharged powerplants, thereby eliminating the likes of high-powered Shelby models in the future.

It?s believed the closure of FPV will not result in early job losses. After acquiring full ownership of the FPV brand in August last year, Ford made 32 workers redundant and?took the performance brand?s remaining infrastructure in-house to its own operations at Geelong and Broadmeadows.

McDonald did, however, confirm that the company?s global vice president of sales and marketing, Jim Farley, would outline some of the upcoming changes at a media briefing in Sydney next month.

?We can confirm Jim is coming to the event in Sydney ? to look at a range of things moving forward,? he said.

?In terms of specific models, we?re not in a position to comment on that from this far out.?

During the media briefing,?Ford is expected to also outline its plans for replacing the Falcon family sedan. The?Ford Taurus, a US-built mid-size car, is largely expected to shore up the company?s sedan offering. There is also speculation that the?Ford Territory?will be replaced by a closely-aligned, albeit larger, American sibling, the?Ford Explorer.

Ford Performance Vehicles has been an integral part of Ford?s Australian operations ever since it was founded in 2002. The performance bloodline traces further back to 1991, when English engineering company Tickford began a collaboration with Ford Australia to produce high performance variants of the Falcon.

FPV currently produces five Falcon performance variants in Australia: the?GT, GT-P, GS and?F6 sedans, and a GS ute.?

While Ford plans to succeed the Falcon sedan variants, its flagship performance ute will not be replaced. Instead, the?Ranger?will carryover the hay-hauling banner.

The Ford Mustang will be an all-new model?designed for global sales, with its design said to be?inspired by the Evos concept car?which Ford Australia displayed at the Australian motor show last year.

Ford Australia, through Tickford,?converted a small number of Mustangs to right-hand drive?between 2001 and 2003. The last time the iconic muscle car was imported in large numbers was during the 1960s.

Poll: Should Ford keep FPV alive until 2016?





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Senate filibusters rarely follow Hollywood script

FILE - In this Aug. 29, 1957 file photo, Sen.Strom Thurmond, D-SC, gives a wave as he leaves the Senate chamber at end of his 24 hour, 19 minute one-man filibuster against the compromise civil rights bills. The effort went for naught however, as less than two hours later, the measure was passed 60-15. Filibusters, taken from a Dutch word that means ?pirate,? involve any delaying tactic that blocks the Senate from voting on legislation or a nomination. (AP Photo)

FILE - In this Aug. 29, 1957 file photo, Sen.Strom Thurmond, D-SC, gives a wave as he leaves the Senate chamber at end of his 24 hour, 19 minute one-man filibuster against the compromise civil rights bills. The effort went for naught however, as less than two hours later, the measure was passed 60-15. Filibusters, taken from a Dutch word that means ?pirate,? involve any delaying tactic that blocks the Senate from voting on legislation or a nomination. (AP Photo)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Filibusters let minority parties tie the Senate in knots and send majority parties through the roof with frustration. But they seldom involve exhausted senators speaking endlessly on the chamber's floor.

Instead, filibusters, taken from a Dutch word that means "pirate," involve any delaying tactic that blocks the Senate from voting on legislation or a nomination.

There is no universal agreement on what a filibuster is. It can involve speaking, forcing repeated votes, or even a threat or perceived threat to block a measure.

Filibusters are not in the Constitution. They flow from the Senate's loose rules, which impose few restrictions on debate.

The most important thing about filibusters is they take support from three-fifths of all senators to halt.

In the 100-member chamber, that means the votes of 60 senators are needed. Unless there is some bipartisan consensus, that can be a tough margin for today's majority Democrats because they control just 54 votes, including two usually supportive independents.

Without a filibuster, approving legislation or nominations requires a mere majority.

The longest filibuster was when Sen. Strom Thurmond, then a Democrat from South Carolina, spoke for 24 hours 18 minutes against a 1957 civil rights bill that eventually passed. In March, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., spoke for 12 hours 52 minutes opposing President Barack Obama's nominee to head the CIA, who was later approved.

More famous than both: Actor Jimmy Stewart's filibuster in the 1939 movie, "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."

Associated Press


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iPad Mini branching out?

Apple appears to be working a various future versions of the iPad Mini.

Apple appears to be working a various future versions of the iPad Mini.

(Credit: Apple)

A theme has emerged for iPad Mini rumors: multiple models.

One version of the Mini, as prognosticated, is a thinner, lighter, faster version -- sans a Retina display.

NPD DisplaySearch first anticipated this Mini update in June. As did Citi Research. Digitimes chimed in Monday with a similar rumor.

Though a thinner/lighter design is not unexpected, it's still impressive, considering that the Mini is already a mere 0.28-inches (7.2mm) thick and only 308 grams.

DisplaySearch claims it will have the same 1,024x768 display resolution but pack a faster A6 processor, compared with the A5 in the current Mini.

The most anticipated change to the Mini of course would the addition of a Retina display. On Monday, Digitimes echoed prior comments from DisplaySearch and Citi Research, saying that the Retina version may not appear until 2014.

Though that's later than many consumers would like, the supply chain is a fickle beast. It's not completely improbable that we could hear rumors next month of a Mini Retina arriving a bit sooner.

And note that Digitimes spiced up its Mini Retina rumor with the prospect of "an almost bezel-free look."

If true, this would indicate that Apple has big plans for the redesign. Even if it lands at stores a little later than expected, it will likely be worth the wait.


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Monday, July 15, 2013

Case Makes iPad Mini Look Like A Rusted-Out Piece Of Junk

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I Kakaru peeling layer of red rust is cracking. split.

It becomes the two works realistic that utilizes the transparent cover.

This incredible piece of poetry is not in fact a finely-honed chunk of verse, but just a clumsy machine translation from Google. Or is it? Perhaps Google?s vast and distributed computer brain has attained consciousness and turned itself into a soft, wooly-brained artist? If so, the nerds at Google are gonna be pissed.

The text above is also the description of a set of rusty cases for the iPad Mini, straight from the Bird Online Shop.

The cases are made from polycarbonate with a printed pattern, covering the back of the iPad in a photo-realistic rust effect. It?s pretty cool, and the site also has a freely-downloadable screen wallpaper to match. Should you want one, it?ll cost you ?3,980, or around $40 (plus shipping from Japan).

Source: Bird


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GOP Congressman: ?We Have to Come to Grips? with ?Moral Dimensions? Beyond Zimmerman Trial

A Republican congressman said the case of George Zimmerman won?t go away anytime soon because ?there are moral dimensions beyond the case that obviously we have to come to grips with.?

On ABC?s This Week, Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) said it?s ?very hard? to keep the legal and moral debates over Trayvon Martin?s death separated.

?I mean, this is a tragedy that should have never happened. I mean, clearly Zimmerman should never have gotten in that car, shouldn?t have had a gun, shouldn?t have been out. The police advised him to stay home,? Cole said.

?But what we don?t know is what happened in the actual encounter. And I think that?s what the jury struggled with. I think they were trying to determine what happened. There?s a reasonable doubt here, which is a pretty high standard,? he added, noting ?we?ll be talking about this case for a long time to come.?

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said he saw ?plenty of reasonable doubts? in the second-degree murder case and ?at least from all that I watched, it seemed to me it was an accurate verdict.?

?It?s still a very serious set of problems that exist, and I agree with some of the commentators before, that we need to look at these matters a lot more carefully,? Hatch said.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) said on CNN?s State of the Union that ?a very thoughtful case was made by each side, the jurors made the decision, and we will live with that.?

?And although, you know, there maybe people on either side of this that don?t agree with how it came out, the fact is that we have the best judicial system in the world and we respect it,? Perry said.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said on Fox News Sunday that Zimmerman shouldn?t have been prosecuted.

?And my sympathy goes out also to the Martin family and the Zimmerman family for this ordeal that they?ve been through,? he said. ?The evidence didn?t support prosecution, and the Justice Department engaged in this, the president engaged in this and turned it into a political issue that should have been handled exclusively with law and order.?

?So, I regret that this all happened. I?m sorry that it was turned into a race issue by the media. And otherwise, it would have been tried or not tried, depending on the laws and the language that was there. This is unfortunate.?


Bridget Johnson is a career journalist whose news articles and opinion columns have run in dozens of news outlets across the globe. Bridget first came to Washington to be online editor at The Hill, where she wrote The World from The Hill column on foreign policy. Previously she was an opinion writer and editorial board member at the Rocky Mountain News and nation/world news columnist at the Los Angeles Daily News. She has contributed to USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, National Review Online, Politico and more, and has myriad television and radio credits as a commentator. Bridget is Washington Editor for PJ Media.


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Councillor donates funds to youth football club

Hertfordshire County Councillor donates ?1,000 to Borehamwood Youth Football Club

A volunteer-led football club for young people is celebrating after receiving a large donation from a local councillor.

Borehamwood Youth Football Club, in Aycliffe Road, has been allocated ?1,000 by Hertfordshire County Councillor Leon Reefe.

The money, which comes from the councillor?s locality budget, will be used to drain the football club?s waterlogged pitch.?

The organisation, which looks after 250 children aged four to 18, relies entirely on volunteers.

Club secretary Lorraine Chambers said how ?delighted? she was to receive the award.

She added: ?It?s brilliant a local councillor is supporting us like this, we?re grateful for anything we can get.?

The pitches cannot be used in wet weather due to drainage problems, so the club often has to play in local parks or cancel games.

The youth team needs to raise ?164,000 to enable it to install proper drainage and improve the quality of the pitches so they can be used throughout the year.

It has already received ?150,000 from Sport England and the Football Foundation, and has raised ?7000 through hosting a range of events.

It is half way to raising the final ?7,000.

Cllr Reefe, who represents Borehamwood North Division said: ?The award to Borehamwood Youth Football Club is in line with my promise to support local organisations.

?I particularly hope to help youth organisations which may previously have been neglected.

"The majority of members are from the local area, and colleagues in the borough council will also be making contributions so that together we can help the club reach their target.?

A total of ?10,000 is available to each of the 77 members of Hertfordshire County Council to spend on worthwhile community projects in their area.


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Napolitano to inherit turmoil at helm of University of California

By Sharon Bernstein

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - In hiring Janet Napolitano to run the sprawling University of California, state officials are counting on the Homeland Security chief's political savvy and fund-raising prowess to restore a system racked by years of budget cuts and turmoil.

Napolitano, a two-term Arizona governor plucked by President Barack Obama in 2009 to be Secretary of Homeland Security, said on Friday she would leave that post to run the university's 10-campus system, pending final approval by the board of regents expected next week.

Chosen from among more than 300 candidates in part because of her political skills, the 55-year-old Democrat will take the helm as the university is struggling to recover from economic crises that have eaten away at the state budget on and off for nearly two decades.

Cuts of nearly $1 billion over the last five years have led to tuition increases and class shortages, and have strained relations with faculty and staff through the imposition of furlough days and hiring freezes.

"Her job is to restore the glory of the system," said Jack Stripling, who covers college leadership for the Chronicle of Higher Education.

To do that, Napolitano will have to persuade the politicians who control the state budget that a high-end university is an asset worth paying for - while showing faculty, staff and the 234,000 students that she is on their side.

"The thinking is, you bring in someone with political savvy to solve what is essentially a political problem," Stripling said.

In making their choice of a new president, university leaders picked someone with experience managing a large, highly political organization, said UC spokeswoman Dianne Klein. The university budget, including its hospitals and medical centers, is more than $24 billion.

"It's a dynamic position, and she is somebody who has experience managing big complex organizations," Klein said.


Napolitano's tenure will begin as the campuses - along with the state - recover from prolonged economic downturn. But even though the legislature and Governor Jerry Brown have restored some funds, budgets remain tight.

As a result, Napolitano will need to find creative ways to raise money and trim spending, even as she preserves the quality of teaching and research for which the system is known.

"Secretary Napolitano has the strength of character and an outsider's mind that will well serve the students and faculty," Brown said in a statement. "It will be exciting to work with her."

But Robert Powell, a chemical engineering professor at UC Davis who heads the system-wide academic senate, said Napolitano will also need to spend time getting to know the university by meeting with students and professors and touring campuses.

"She needs to get out to the campuses - meet with faculty, meet with staff, look and see what these places are like and how students live here," Powell said.

A lawyer by training, Napolitano is an unusual choice because she has not worked in academia. Her predecessor, Mark Yudof, is also a lawyer but was chancellor of the University of Texas and president of the University of Minnesota before taking the reins in the most populous U.S. state.

Napolitano was born in New York City and raised in Pittsburgh and Albuquerque. She was appointed a U.S. attorney for Arizona by Bill Clinton, and later elected state attorney general and governor.

As Homeland Security chief, she drew the ire of some Republicans, who said she painted an overly rosy picture of the Administration's border security efforts.

Napolitano will be the 20th president of the University of California, and the first woman. She acknowledged that she was not a typical candidate and said she would meet with faculty, students, politicians and others to learn about the system.

"Whether preparing to govern a state or to lead an agency as critical and complex as Homeland Security, I have found the best way to start is simply to listen," Napolitano said.

(Additional reporting by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Sandra Maler)


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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Apple reportedly hiring new talent to solve iWatch design problems

 Apple reportedly hiring new talent to solve iWatch design problems

Rumors, suggestions and trademark applications have been building a case for an wrist-worn Apple product for some time now -- an official iWatch to fulfill the wearable potential of the iPod Nano. Now, the Financial Times says the company is "aggressively" hiring to help it get the product ready for release. According to the usual sources familiar with the matter, the new staff might have been sought out to help Apple wrap its head around wearable computing, moving the project to the next stage of development. The timing of the hires might also imply that the iWatch won't be ready until late next year. Of course, if you can't wait that long, you can always just make your own.


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Z Vector Takes Live Kinect Feeds To Create Stunning Video Art

Ghosts_by_the_PondThis is a bit of a niche product, but it’s still interesting nonetheless. Artist Julius Tuomisto believes that VJs are the next DJs. Just in the same way that a DJ shepherds music lovers through a thoughtful selection of tracks, video artists can guide audiences through live visualizations that respond to music. He and his Helsinki-based firm Delicode have created a new software platform, called Z Vector, that can take data from a Kinect or the PrimeSense Carmine to create live video feeds and visualizations that rotate around 3D forms and people captured by the camera. It’s a tool for live performances, not for programming. You can see how it works in this music video he created with the band, Phantom. Z Vector takes the raw 3D data from the Kinect, and puts effects or filters on it like different geometric textures and lines (like in the Phantom video). Or it also can put in distortion fields like in the video below (or particle trails and gradients too). They’ve used it during live dance performances to broadcast visualizations behind troupes of modern dancers have recently demoed it at the Venice Biennale, Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and SXSW. The beta is free, but it’s a possibility that Tuomisto might charge down the line. The feed from Z Vector can also be broadcast into other devices, even ones like the Oculus Rift, the virtual reality headset that has hardcore gamers salivating and that recently picked up funding in a round led by Spark Capital.


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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Gas prices expected to soar. What gives?

Gas prices will rise dramatically in the near term, analysts predict. Many attribute it to a rise in oil prices, but the gas prices spike has more to do with gasoline fundamentals, writes Styles.

By Geoffrey Styles,?Guest blogger / July 12, 2013

Gasoline drips from a nozzle at gas station in Lake Oswego, Ore. A rise in gas prices has more to do with seasonal factors than unrest in other parts of the goal, Styles writes.

Rick Bowmer/AP/File


Which Oil Price to Watch?

Some economists and consumers are bracing for a?sharp uptick in gasoline prices, because the?price of crude oil?has shot up by $10 per barrel?in the last month. Except that it hasn?t, at least not if we?re talking about the global price of crude oil that?s factored into the price of the petroleum products sold in much of the US, especially along the coasts.

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The global oil market, reflected in the price of?UK Brent crude, is only up about?$5 per barrel?this month, mainly due to the situation in Egypt. A big part of the jump in domestic oil prices reflects the closing of a historically anomalous gap as US oil moves back into line with the rest of the world.

Such an increase in oil prices does not automatically herald a rise in gasoline prices, especially if it mainly erases a discount that benefited refiners in one region of the country. Moreover, gasoline and crude oil as?commodities move in separate markets, linked but not in lock-step.? Over the medium-to-longer term?they?must clearly be?connected, but in the short term each responds to distinct forces of supply, demand, inventories and expectations.?

After Widening for Two Years, A Crucial Gap Closes

Starting in 2011, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude, the main US oil benchmark, traded at an?increasingly deep discount?to Brent, a North Sea grade that was Europe?s main oil benchmark, and more recently the world?s. For decades, these two?crudes had traded near parity, plus or minus a buck or two a barrel. Several factors changed that. The biggest was the rapid growth of production from unconventional sources in the middle third of North America: shale oil and upgraded oil sands crude.?From West and South?Texas?to?North Dakota?and Alberta, Canada a wave of new oil overwhelmed existing pipeline capacity, some of which was pointed in the opposite direction to carry imported crude into the mid-continent.

The?enormous?tank farms?at Cushing, OK began to fill up.? That?s a crucial part of the story, because?Cushing is the principal settlement point of the WTI futures contract. The more crude?that arrived at?Cushing without being needed farther north or provided an exit to the south, the?higher inventories rose?and the more depressed the WTI price became, relative to Brent. Nothing like that lasts forever in a highly competitive industry. At a $20/bbl discount, companies pursued every possible avenue for getting oil from Cushing to the Gulf, including building new pipelines and reversing existing ones, while using rail and even trucks in the interim. This amazing episode is nearing its end, and traders are?giving up on it?as an opportunity for profit.

The End of the Bottleneck Benefit for Some


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'Pacific Rim' May Get Submerged By 'Despicable Me 2' At The Box Office

The Guillermo del Toro-directed film needs its fans to band together in order to come out on top.
By Ryan J. Downey


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Friday, July 12, 2013

Candlelight vigil planned in Anaconda for murdered Washington boy


As the family of Broderick Cramer, known as "Brody," mourns his death, the communities of Anaconda, Deer Lodge and Lacey, Washington are in shock.

Police believe the three-year old Washington boy was murdered by his father, 38-year old Jeremy Cramer in Anaconda.

Cramer is currently in jail, waiting for his preliminary hearing.

In the meantime, a resident of Anaconda tells us she and a woman from Deer Lodge have organized a candlelight vigil for Brody. It'll be at Washoe Park at 8 pm on Thursday, July 18 in the grassy area near the duck pond.

Family members in Lacey tell us they'll hold a memorial for Brodie on Friday, July 12th in Lacey.

Anyone who'd like to donate can do so through the U.S. Bank in Deer Lodge or the Key Bank in Lacey, under the Brody Cramer Fund.


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Head of Timeform Australia Gary Crispe looks towards this weekend's feature at Caulfield... ...


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New Car Too Pricey? Used Car Prices Are Dropping ? CBS Detroit

2010 Toyota Prius (credit: Toyota Motor Corporation)

2010 Toyota Prius (credit: Toyota Motor Corporation)

DETROIT (AP) ? Is that new set of wheels out of your price range? Used cars have gotten more affordable, especially if you?re looking for a small car or a hybrid.

Used car prices have been falling since 2011, and they?re expected to decline gradually for the remainder of this year. That?s good news for those joining or re-entering the workforce, or anyone else who might find a payment on a new car too steep.

There is some volatility. Prices for used cars are typically higher at the start of the year, when dealers buy cars at auctions in advance of the spring selling season. They decline as the year goes on. The price of a 3-year-old car fell 4 percent between April and June, estimates Alex Gutierrez of car-pricing company Kelley Blue Book.

Used-car dealers get many of their cars from auctions run by companies like Manheim, a division of Cox Enterprises of Atlanta. The average price for a used car at auction was $11,031 in June, down 6 percent from its peak in May 2011, Manheim reported this week. The 2011 peak was the highest price Manheim had seen since 1995, when it began collecting data.

At Manheim-run auctions, banks and auto company financing operations sell cars that have come back after leases expire. Rental car companies and car dealers also sell cars there. Dealers buy the cars, mark them up and sell them for a profit.

Auction values also help set prices for individuals who want to sell their cars at the market rate.

In 2009, new vehicle sales fell to a 30-year low of 10.4 million. Two years later, used cars were in short supply and prices got so high that it made sense for consumers to buy new.

Things have turned around. New car sales picked up starting in 2010 and now there are far more used cars in the pipeline. Buyers shopping for a 3-year-old used car can expect to pay 25 or 30 percent less than the manufacturer?s suggested retail price for a current new model.

The average retail price of a used car fell by $1,000 per car in the last half of 2012. Gutierrez expects a similar decline in the second half of this year. Keep in mind that used car prices vary widely based on the age of the car and the miles it has been driven.

The price declines will be gradual. While more inventory is helping to lower prices, demand is rising as more people get jobs and need vehicles for work.

Gutierrez estimates that a 3-year-old car cost an average $19,000 in June. By comparison, a new car averaged $31,663 last month. That?s up $307 ? or around 1 percent ? from April.

Used cars are big business. Every year around 40 million are sold in the U.S., compared with 14 or 15 million new cars.

If you?re looking for a used car, check prices online and then decide whether you want to go through a dealer or through an individual. Private sellers will often give you a better deal, but dealerships offer certified pre-owned cars that have gone through inspections and may offer better warranties.

Here?s what you can expect to pay right now for 2010 model-year vehicles, according to Kelley Blue Book:

SMALL CARS: Prices on the smallest and most fuel-efficient used vehicles fell rapidly between April and June as gas prices moderated and carmakers enticed buyers with deals on new models. The price of a 2010 Toyota Prius fell 15 percent over the last three months, from $18,600 to $15,800. Prices of small cars like the Honda Civic and Ford Focus are down 8.5 percent. The average price of a 3-year-old small car was $13,000 in June.

MIDSIZE CARS: The value of midsize cars like the Toyota Camry and Hyundai Sonata have been hurt by the arrival of several new or redesigned models that hit the market in the last year, including the Ford Fusion, Honda Accord and Nissan Altima. Prices for used midsize cars are down 6.9 percent to $14,503.

LUXURY CARS: Luxury cars held steady, with used-car prices falling just 1 percent to $28,692. But Gutierrez expects a steeper drop in July, when luxury vehicle values tend to fall as owners anticipate new models coming in the fall.

SMALL AND MIDSIZE SUVS: Prices of hot-selling midsize SUVs like the Jeep Grand Cherokee and Ford Explorer are down just 4 percent, to an average of $20,581. Small SUVs like the Ford Escape and Honda CR-V are down 7 percent to an average of $17,548.

TRUCKS: Pickup trucks are in demand, as small businesses replace older trucks. Prices for used full-size pickups like the Chevrolet Silverado stayed flat between April and June, at $21,854. Prices of small pickups like the Toyota Tacoma are down 1 percent to $17,119.

(? Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)


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Thursday, July 11, 2013

An Oregon trail to end student debt: ?Pay it forward, pay...

An Oregon trail to end student debt: ?Pay it forward, pay it back" model leaves big banks out of education
July 10, 2013

On July 1, federal student loan rates doubled?yes, doubled?from 3.4 percent to 6.8, after members of Congress went home for fireworks without lifting a finger on the issue. Meanwhile, in Oregon, legislators unanimously?passed?a bill paving the way for students to attend public universities without paying tuition or taking out traditional loans at all.

Fueled by the organizing savvy, policy creativity, and relentless effort of the state Working Families Party, and by a classroom of outstanding college students, the new bill offers a progressive victory and a common-sense national model on an issue where Congress has recently been derelict at best. The legislation, which Democratic Governor John Kitzhaber is expected to sign, instructs Oregon?s Higher Education Coordination Commission to come up with a ?Pay It Forward, Pay It Back? public university financing model in time for a legislative vote in 2015.

Under such a model, students pay nothing while in school; instead, after graduation, four-year students pay 3% of their income for the next two decades or so to fund the education of future students?without a role for the big banks. (Those who attend for less time would pay a pro-rated amount.) Once start-up costs are addressed (no small matter), the system could pay for itself. It would ask the most money of those graduates best equipped to pay, and it would represent a huge stride in putting an end to the crushing debt horror stories which Occupy Wall Street helped to place on the national radar.

While victories like Oregon?s are often the result of decade-long campaigns, this incremental step came to pass with a speed that surprised even its most ardent supporters. And it demonstrates the power of unconventional alliances. The ?Pay It Forward? approach has been tried in Australia, but not in the United States. It got legs here when John Burbank, who directs the Seattle-based Economic Opportunity Institute, connected with a college class taught by Barbara Dudley, who co-founded the Working Families Party of Oregon. Students in the Portland State University class, ?Student Debt: Economics, Policy and Advocacy,? took up a push for ?Pay It Forward? as their group project, and the WFP embraced it as a legislative priority. Together, they seized legislators? attention, and secured their support.

In the process, WFP activists and allies talked to thousands of students, built a coalition ranging from? the faith group Jubilee USA, and won over university administrators. It was a classic ?inside-outside? fight, in which the potency of skillful lobbying and common-sense argument were amplified several times over by grassroots firepower. The unanimous vote in favor of the bill can also be credited in part to the WFP?s successful electoral efforts last year, in which the party ousted Oregon?s most conservative Democratic state representative in a primary and helped power another Democrat to victory in a swing district. With the Higher Education Coordination Commission tasked with incubating the plan, and a legislative vote looming in 2015, the WFP has pledged to get to work on ensuring a progressive result from the HECC, and making approval of that plan a major issue in the 2014 campaign.

?We never imagined that we would actually accomplish something like this, and definitely not in such a short time,? student Ariel R. Gruver?told?The New York Times.?The Times??Richard Perez-Pena noted that ?The speed and unanimity offer a sharp contrast with Washington?? You can say that again. Progressives, who face slow-motion crises on a battery of issues and the ever-present danger of cynicism, could use another reminder that it?s still possible in this political landscape to pass a big, just idea through hard work and visionary organizing. Both will also be necessary if we?re to send a powerful message to members of Congress who just doubled interest rates: Americans deserve much better.

Comic by Matt Bors

What are everyone?s thoughts on this type of model?


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