Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rose in the Hall? Here's how

Baseball's all-time hits king could rehab his image, starting with his appearance

Image: Pete RoseGetty Images

Pete Rose's 4,256 career hits are the most in MLB history and nearly 1,000 more than the active player with the most (Derek Jeter, 3,304).


updated 1:26 p.m. ET Feb. 27, 2013

A few years ago, I tried an experiment. Whenever I spoke ? whether it was at a convention or a church gathering or an Optimist Club meeting ? I would find the time to ask a question: How many of you think Pete Rose belongs in the baseball Hall of Fame?

I would say ? and this is conservative ? at least 90 percent of the hands have gone up in the air.

That?s what statisticians might call "a small sample size." It?s anecdotal. Your experience might be completely different ? you might not know anyone who thinks Rose should be in the Hall. But I?d say most fans ? even some who don?t like Rose ? think he deserves a place in Cooperstown.

Look at it: Rose got more hits and reached base more times than anyone (he also came to the plate more often and made more outs). He was amazing, durable and iconic. He was a hero in perhaps the greatest World Series ever, 1975 against the Red Sox. He played in 17 All-Star Games, won a season MVP, a World Series MVP, two Gold Gloves, three batting championships ? and he was banished for gambling on baseball as a manager almost 25 years ago. Many people think the punishment overshoots the crime.

But it?s one thing to think Rose belongs in the Hall. It?s another to map out a path for him. That?s much harder.

There are two ways to get elected. One is by the Baseball Writers Association of America, but that track seems closed for Rose: his eligibility to be on the ballot expired more than a decade ago. True, Rose?s name never appeared because he was banned. Still, it seems unlikely Rose could get on the ballot now.

Second ? and more importantly ? even if Rose somehow did get on the ballot, he?d get nowhere near the necessary 75 percent of the votes. Remember, this is a group that did not vote anyone in this year.

The other way in is through the Veteran?s Committee, a collection of living Hall of Famers. Again, I?ve been doing my own informal polling. I think Rose has almost no chance of getting 75 percent of their vote. The vets' feelings about Rose, who has alienated so many people with his gambling and bad decisions the last quarter-century, seem even more entrenched than the writers?.

So what?s the Rose road map? Is there one? How could he realistically get in? I asked Dan McGinn, a leading crisis manager who works with companies and individuals coping with the most intense catastrophes and difficulties imaginable. McGinn also believes strongly that Rose does belong in the Hall of Fame.

?Look, you can certainly make an argument that Pete Rose has been his own worst enemy,? he began. ?I could see a scenario where, if he had handled all this in a very different way, he might be in the Hall of Fame right now. ? I think Pete would have to begin by asking himself the question: Are you willing to take advice? That?s essential. He can?t make a direct deal to be put on the ballot for the Hall of Fame, I just don?t see that happening. Pete has to make a commitment to demonstrate that, for the rest of the years he?s on this earth, he will live a different way.

"Is Pete Rose willing to do that? I can?t answer the question. He?s, what, 71 or 72 years old now? [Rose turns 72 in April)]. He would have to decide how he wants to live the rest of his life and if he wants to leave a different legacy."

I interject here to say that nothing in Rose?s past suggests he would be willing to make this sort of commitment and take this sort of advice. Rose signs autographs in Vegas, and he just did that dumb reality TV show ?Hits and Mrs.,", and it took him forever to admit he bet on baseball, after he was caught and expelled. He grabs for attention, even third-rate attention. It is part of his psyche.

But let?s say he did take advice. What could he do?


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Enjoy Technical Writing ? 'Leading the Change' by Stefan Gentz

On day 1 of TCWorld India conference 2013 last week in Bangalore, most of the sessions were on trends, challenges, strategy, content governance, and process of technical communication. Stefan Gentz from Tracom presented an important concept where he talked about Change Management, in ?Leading the Change?.

Five Triggers of Change Management

Stefan started with a few quotes from history on ?Change? and added that it is inevitable, and the only constant in life. He talked about ?Change Management? and referred to McKinsey?s research that quoted five triggers that cause ?CM?. Four of these are ?Catching up to Rivals Companies?, ?Completing or integrating a merger?, ?Turning around a crises?, ?Turning for a better performance?. However, the last and most notable is ?Reducing cost?.

Before talking about Change Management for businesses and specific to technical communication, Stefan discussed what derives the need for change management. It was ?Economic and Social forces?.

To keep audience on toes and interested; Stefan was immaculate in humor with relevant comments.

Eight Errors in Change Management Execution

Stefan talked about the top 8 errors in CM as:

In this list, I particularly liked two points:

  • Undercommunicating the Vision: Most often, the organizations have the right vision and they get a right roadmap to execute it. I personally feel that a vision not communicated is as good as not having a vision at all. Not enough communicating it to the team (either way in hierarchy) dilutes the spirit and energy towards that vision. It magnifies the obstacles thus adding to the resistance to Change Management. I believe that this communication has to be professional yet friendly. Merely changing the vision statement on website and stationery never works. The managers and supervisors need to talk about it personally, the need for change, the roadmap, and the benefits. It inspires confidence and adds strength to the bond.
  • Failing to Create Short-Term Wins: This is important. Many a times, organizations do not celebrate milestones. This again subsides the spirits of those who are working towards Change Management. It is important to have milestones, meet those, and celebrate those small wins to keep the energy juices flowing.

For change in content strategy, the above two points are extremely important. Unless the internal users understand the vision for Change Management, they would be hardly receptive to that change.

John Kotter?s Success Story

Next, Stefan referred to Prof John Kotter?s Success Story, with eight concrete points as below.

Of these eight points, I found the following four as more relevant to change management in technical communication.

  • Establish a Sense of Urgency: Unless we show urgency, everything else will keep on pushing Change Management down in the priority list. When we have a business case for Change Management, it should be clear, and thought-provoking enough that it should generate a sense of urgency for call to action. [The Business Case should highlight how the current/old process is ineffective, how content silos are piling up with massive opportunity for content reuse in a new and improved process. Some facts and statistics on man hours and ROI can help others understand the ?sense of urgency?].
  • Communicate Vision Change: As I mentioned above, communicating the vision change to all employees in the chain is extremely important. The communication should be clear, friendly yet professional, and should be receptive to comments/feedback to inculcate a sense of involvement. [Once the Business Case is prepared by the supervisors/managers, it should be discussed with all users involved. The objective is not merely to be transparent; it is to make it understood to all that the process is changing for the right reason, and for the benefit of all and not only for a select few. In addition to writers, the vision should be communicated to reviewers, editors, translators, artwork designers, and everybody who is part of documentation process in any capacity or role]
  • Short Term Wins: The goal should be punctuated with smaller milestones. One, these milestones when met act as fuel to help the team keep going. Two, it ensures that we are in right direction. [For technical communication, the roadmap can be planned with measurable milestones. For example, the ?Change Management Strategy? can have a step as ?to prepare detailed plan with measurable goals and impact on current operations?, and another step as ?Rapid prototyping and map the benefits when compared to current process?. Each such successful plan execution should be discussed openly and celebrated.]
  • Communicate Culture Change: A CM invariably calls for change in culture. Rather than people feeling as if some change is happening, it is always better it is proactively communicated, along with why it is required and how it will benefit the people and the business. [For technical communication, the shift from writing SOPs in MS Word to Structured FrameMaker, or moving from RoboHelp to XMetal means that the work culture changes. The supervisors should communicate it to prepare users? (writers and all others involved in documentation process) for this change, talking about the challenges ahead and also highlighting the overall benefits to the users and to the organization.]

Five Key Rules for Change Management

Stefan talked about ?Five Key rules for Change Management?, as:

  • Mobilize and Sustain Energy
  • Communicate Objective cleary and creatively
  • Raise Employee Expectations
  • Change People Behavior
  • Engage the Attention of Individuals at all levels of organization


The penultimate important point made by Stefan was that ?Change Management is not Crises Management?. Stefan says ?Crisis Management and Change Management are often mixed up. Proper change management needs resources (i.e. time and money). In a crisis situation, we are usually missing both. Crisis Management needs much faster and often more harsh decision making. There is no need for creating a sense of urgency (it?s ?change now or die?), communication is reduced to announce management decisions and behavior change needs to ?switch? instead of ?evolve?. Crisis Management is about taking quick short term actions to survive, while Change Management is about implementing long term solutions for sustainable success.?

To conclude his presentation, Stefan put forward a very true and relevant statement that ?Culture eats Strategy for Lunch?. Most of the organizations resist to Change Management because of their existing culture. Culture is by nature, resistive to change. To spring changes, it has to begin with change in culture.

What has been your experiences to propose change management?


The audience connected well with this talk and a few writers asked how to begin the Change Management, and where does it actually begin. It was interactive, informative, and a nicely paced talk.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

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Joey Bada$$ and English indie rockers Alt-J will also be on hand to perform at the Woodies Festival on March 14 in Austin, Texas.
By Rob Markman

Photo: Anthony Pidgeon/ Redferns


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Obama plans to "listen," not present Mideast peace plan: Kerry

BERLIN (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will not bring a peace plan to Israel and the Palestinian Territories next month, but rather intends to listen, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday.

Obama's plan to visit has raised speculation of a new U.S. push to revive Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, stalled since 2010 in a dispute over Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank.

But Kerry, speaking to German students during his first foreign trip as Washington's top diplomat, played down expectations.

"We're not going to go and sort of plunk a plan down and tell everybody what they have to do," Kerry said. "I want to consult and the president wants to listen."

Obama, who has a testy relationship with right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, made peace between Israelis and Palestinians a priority in his first term but, four years later, has little to show for it.

In recent months, each side has antagonized the other - Israel by building Jewish settlements on occupied land and the Palestinians by seeking enhanced status at the United Nations.

Kerry said that after Obama's trip, which also includes a stop in Jordan, the United States would see how it might pursue peace. He urged all sides to behave calmly and keep the possibility of peace alive.

Tensions have risen in the West Bank, territory that the Palestinians want to be part of a future state including the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, after the death of a Palestinian in an Israeli jail on Saturday in contested circumstances.

A hunger strike by four other Palestinian prisoners has also fuelled violent protests.


"We really hope everybody will step back a little and try to find a way to proceed very calmly and very thoughtfully in these next days (and) leave the opportunities for peaceful resolution open," Kerry said.

In an apparent show of solidarity with Palestinians protesting in the West Bank, militants in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket into Israel on Tuesday for the first time since a truce ended a week of cross-border fighting in November.

There were no casualties in the strike, which the Palestinian news agency Ma'an said had been claimed by al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, an armed group in President Mahmoud Abbas's West Bank-based Fatah movement.

Hamas, the Islamist group that has governed the Gaza Strip since wresting control of the territory from Fatah in 2007, said it was investigating the incident. There was no immediate Israeli military response.

Netanyahu has said he hopes Abbas will return to peace talks, but has made clear he intends to put Iran's nuclear program at the top of the agenda of his meetings with Obama, who has drawn criticism in Israel for not visiting during his first term.

Israel, widely believed to be the Middle East's only nuclear power, and the West fear Iran's enrichment of uranium is aimed at developing atomic weapons.

Netanyahu has hinted strongly at Israeli military action if international sanctions fail to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions, which Tehran says are purely peaceful.

World powers, holding their first meeting with Iran in eight months, were expected to offer limited sanctions relief in talks on Tuesday in the Kazakh city of Almaty if Iran agreed to halt its most sensitive nuclear work.

(Reporting By Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Kevin Liffey)


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Hot air balloon crash in Egypt kills 18 foreigners

Map locates Luxor, Egypt, where a hot air balloon crash killed foreign tourists

Map locates Luxor, Egypt, where a hot air balloon crash killed foreign tourists

Egyptians gather near the scene of a balloon crash outside al-Dhabaa village, just west of the city of Luxor, 510 kilometers (320 miles) south of Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013. A hot air balloon flying over Egypt's ancient city of Luxor caught fire and crashed into a sugar cane field on Tuesday, killing at least 19 foreign tourists, a security official said. (AP Photo/Hagag Salama)

A victim of a ballon accident is seen in a body bag lying on a dirt road near the scene of a crash outside al-Dhabaa village just west of the city of Luxor, 510 kilometers (320 miles) south of Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013. A hot air balloon flying over Egypt's ancient city of Luxor caught fire and crashed into a sugar cane field on Tuesday, killing at least 19 foreign tourists, a security official said. (AP Photo/Hagag Salama)

Rescue workers inspect the scene of a balloon crash outside al-Dhabaa village, just west of the city of Luxor, 510 kilometers (320 miles) south of Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013. A hot air balloon flying over Egypt's ancient city of Luxor caught fire and crashed into a sugar cane field on Tuesday, killing at least 19 foreign tourists, a security official said. (AP Photo/Hagag Salama)

(AP) ? A hot air balloon flying over Egypt's ancient city of Luxor caught fire and crashed into a sugar cane field on Tuesday, killing at least 18 foreign tourists, a security official said.

It was one of the worst accidents involving tourists in Egypt and likely to push the key tourism industry deeper into recession.

The casualties included French, British, Belgian, Hungarian, Japanese nationals and nine tourists from Hong Kong, Luxor Governor Ezzat Saad told reporters.

Three survivors of the crash ? two tourists and one Egyptian ? were taken to a local hospital.

According to the Egyptian security official, the balloon carrying at least 20 tourists was flying over Luxor when it caught fire, which triggered an explosion in its gas canister, then plunged at least 300 meters (1,000 feet) from the sky.

It crashed into a sugar cane field outside al-Dhabaa village just west of Luxor, 510 kilometers (320 miles) south of Cairo, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

Bodies of the dead tourists were scattered across the field around the remnants of the balloon. An Associated Press reporter at the crash site counted eight bodies as they were put into body bags and taken away. The security official said all 18 bodies have been recovered.

The official said foul play has been ruled out. He also said initial reports of 19 dead were revised to 18 as confusion is common in the aftermath of such accidents.

In Hong Kong, a travel agency said nine of the tourists that were aboard the balloon were natives of the semiautonomous Chinese city. There was a "very big chance that all nine have perished," said Raymond Ng, a spokesman for the agency. The nine, he said, included five women and four men from three families.

They were traveling with six other Hong Kong residents on a 10-day tour of Egypt.

Ng said an escort of the nine tourists watched the balloon from the ground catching fire around 7 a.m. and plunging to the ground two minutes later.

In Paris, a diplomatic official said French tourists were among those involved in the accident, but would give no details on how many, or whether French citizens were among those killed.

Speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to be publicly named according to government policy, the official said French authorities were working with their Egyptian counterparts to clarify what happened. French media reports said 2 French tourists were among the dead but the official wouldn't confirm that.

Hot air ballooning, usually at sunrise over the famed Karnak and Luxor temples as well as the Valley of the Kings, is a popular pastime for tourists visiting the area.

The site of the accident has seen past crashes. In 2009, 16 tourists were injured when their balloon struck a cellphone transmission tower. A year earlier, seven tourists were injured in a similar crash.

Egypt's tourism industry has been decimated since the 18-day uprising in 2011 against autocrat leader Hosni Mubarak and the political turmoil that followed and continues to this day.

Luxor's hotels are currently about 25 percent full in what is supposed to be the peak of the winter season.


Associated Press writers Kelvin Chan in Hong Kong and Angela Charlton in Paris contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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