Sunday, March 17, 2013

Mayor Rob Ford firmly opposed to councillor term limits

Rob Ford
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (Toronto Sun files)

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Mayor Rob Ford won?t budge on term limits for city councillors.

Ford?s executive committee has a request on Wednesday?s agenda to have staff study term limits for city councillors but the mayor said Friday Ford he?s still opposed to the notion of term limits for municipal politicians.

?I?ve always said the taxpayers can decide that,? Ford said.

Councillors Mary-Margaret McMahon and Jaye Robinson want the city to look at three-term limits for City Hall. The move would limit councillors to spending around 12 years at City Hall.

The mayor said he is in favour of limiting how long individual councillors can sit on any committee, board or agency but is opposed to limiting the amount of time a politician can stay in office.

?I consider myself a good politician so if we had term limits, I would not be in politics anymore ? at least down at this level, I?d have to go into provincial or federal,? Ford said.

The executive committee could simply ?note and file? the request ? shelving it indefinitely.

Ford wouldn?t say if the issue will be scrapped entirely at Wednesday?s meeting.

?I?ve got to talk to my executive, I haven?t had a chance to talk to them, and see what they want to do,? he said.

McMahon said Friday she expects the issue to be deferred to April?s committee meeting. She urged residents who support term limits to let the mayor and councillors know.

Robinson ? a member of Ford?s executive committee ? said last month that she was worried the idea would get buried by her colleagues.

?We?re going to push hard to keep the conversation going,? she said at the time. ?I think it is worthy of a debate, a healthy debate as Councillor McMahon has indicated there is a lot of deep trenches at City Hall and this is a way of overcoming this, fresh faces, new ideas and getting more diversity on council.?

Councillor Paula Fletcher said Ford?s committee will have to ?grapple? with term limits but she argued such a restriction, if imposed, shouldn?t just be for Hogtown politicians.

?If we have that in Toronto than I think it should be province wide,? Fletcher said.



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