Thursday, May 2, 2013

Internet Business Tips To Improve Online Income - American Dream

The way you work could be affecting your online income. If you are continually looking for files or information because you don?t know where you put it, you are wasting time and energy, and it is costing you money. You can have the same clutter on your computer as on your desk. Searching for a file on your computer is as big a time waster as searching for files in an office. Here are some Internet business tips that may help.

Sort into Categories

When I first started I did not see any Internet business tips but decided it would make sense to set up categories for holding information. Even so, I could still forget where I filed something. To overcome this I sometimes file information under more than one category. For example, if I want to keep information from a particular source I will file the information under that source as well as under the subject.

This works for me most of the time. As you know, we collect so much information on our computers; we need to find a system that works for us. Fortunately, most browsers allow us to save links and web pages and categorize them. This is a great help.

Start and finish with a tidy desk

This means you start fresh every day. To me, coming to a messy desk first thing of a morning is rather like getting up to last night?s dirty dishes. You have to tidy the clutter before you can get to work. This not only wastes time, but it is de-motivating. Starting with a clean desk means you can sit down to work and place those papers on your desk only relevant to the job at hand. Other papers can be kept to one side ? on a return, on the corner of your desk, if it is big enough, or tidily on the floor.

You may be one of those people who prefer a messy desk. I once worked with a man whose entire desk was covered with paperwork all the time. This even overlapped onto the floor where he had files he was working on. If you wanted to leave a file or some paperwork for him it was best to put it on his chair, otherwise you would not be sure if he would see it.

When he hired a new PA she decided to organize him and tidy up his office. She was very pleased with her work and waited for his tick of approval and appreciation, but she did not get it. When he saw his office, he went into panic mode and became very upset. He had been in a mess for so long he could not work any other way. It wasn?t long before he was back to his old way of working.

With all that, he was quite successful at his work but this begs the question, how much better would he have been if he was well organized? Most of us are not that bad, but it is easy for things get out of hand.

The two basic resources we all bring to our work are time and energy. You will save both resources if you set up a system to help you find what you want quickly and easily. The same thing applies to keeping your workspace tidy and organized. There might be a little work doing this in the beginning but it will pay off for a long time to come. De-clutter your work environment and you will de-clutter you mind ? and your online income will improve.


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